
"One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts." (Psalm 145:4)
Below you will find testimonials from people who attend First UMC Cocoa Beach.  As you will see, people connect with us for various reasons, but what they all have in common is a love for Christ and a commitment to making the world a better place by being authentic, inclusive, and compassionate.  
A Community of Support: Amanda Mutchler
A Home Away from Home: James Hinds
Our family attends First UMC Cocoa Beach because we accept everybody in love, just like Jesus did.  Jesus didn’t seem to care about doctrine, dogma, ceremony, or anything else that put barriers between us, him, and God our Father.  Unlike many churches who advertise that they are welcoming to all people, First UMC truly embodies the meaning of Christ’s unconditional love.
-The Dehuff Family
Support After Losing an Adult Child: Debi Shannon
Before coming to FUMCCB, we attended a church that was a five-minute walk from our home. As time went on, we realized that this church was not a good fit for us. Despite regularly attending and volunteering for about 8 years, we didn’t really feel connected. We also noticed that the church was increasingly pulled into divisive political and cultural issues. At the start of 2020, we began looking for another church home. One important consideration is that we wanted to find a congregation that was inclusive and welcoming to all people, including our friends in the LGBTQ+ community. We checked the First UMC website, and it seemed like a good match. We decided to visit, and on our first Sunday we heard Pastor Mark say, "God loves all people, whether they are black or white, rich or poor, gay or straight." After receiving a warm welcome from the members, we decided to keep coming back and eventually joined a small group, which has been a wonderful experience. Not only have we read some very interesting and thought-provoking books, but we’ve also enjoyed the support and fellowship! In contrast to our previous experience, we appreciate that divisive political and cultural issues are not brought into church. Rather, we are encouraged to love one another, grow in our faith, and be more Christ-like in our actions.
- Carolyn Mertz and Rae Wood
A Supportive Church During Major Life Transitions: Suzanne Rains
Being new to the area and knowing no one in Cocoa Beach, it was important for me to become part of the community. My first Sunday living here, I thought, "Why not walk to the closest church and begin my journey. The first person that approached me for conversation was Pastor Mark, who then introduced me to his wife, Emma. Within minutes , I knew I was in the right place, a place that wouldn't judge me for my divorce and would make me feel welcome. I have made great friends at the church, especially with the guys in my small group, and know that I belong!
-Eddie Ortiz

There are several reasons I attend First UMC Cocoa Beach. First, Pastor Mark is the best preacher I have ever listened to and he has become an anchor for my faith. Second, Phil Maynard, who previously served as the Discipleship Ministry Coordinator, became a rock for my faith and coached me on how to be a better disciple through small groups. I not only regularly attend a small group, but I also teach, something I never would have imagined. Finally, the people in our church have become special to me in many ways. They are authentic and diverse. I am a converted Unitarian and Presbyterian and find the United Methodist Church to best fit my core beliefs in God, Jesus, and the Bible.
-Rick Sickles
My husband and I are snowbirds from Illinois. While in Cocoa Beach, we attend the 9:30 a.m. contemporary service and find the music, prayers, and sermon to have many grace-filled moments. The songs are carefully selected, and the words seem to resonate with many life situations and events. After the service, fellowship is encouraged as a means of continuing "The Party” (which is what the contemporary service is called). In addition, there are several small groups and classes where we connect heart to heart in friendship, study, and service. Finally, the church is abundantly blessed to have a pastor who is dynamic, intelligent, and highly educated . Pastor Mark is genuine and authentic; he is not afraid to share his own life journey, even the times of disappointment and despair. His story and God’s subsequent intervention have been a source of healing, hope, and encouragement for me many times over the years.
-Lynn Barnett
Making Friends After Losing My Mother: Carol Compton
In 2004, my father died. When he retired to Cocoa Beach, he also retired from going to church and was not associated with any congregation in town. My husband and I had been members of Armstrong Chapel UMC in Cincinnati for almost 20 years, so when we needed a pastor to help with the memorial service, it was natural for us to wander over to First UMC Cocoa Beach and set up a meeting with the pastor at the time, Jim Mitchell. Without any hesitation, Pastor Jim said we could have my father’s service at the church and that and he would conduct it. It was a beautiful service, and my family is still grateful today for the kindness of Pastor Jim. Immediately after that, I became an Associate Member of First UMC, and this resulted in 20 years of our support through our presence, prayers, gifts, and service. Today, we are so grateful to Pastor Mark Reynolds, who is one of the best pastors that we have ever had. Mark has such deep knowledge and utilizes that knowledge to give impactful, meaningful, and profound sermons.
-Susan and Alan Stuart
Why an American Baptist Pastor Joined FUMCCB: Rev. Rosalie Norman McNaney
Throughout my journey of faith over 68 years, I have never felt so connected to my faith since finding First UMC Cocoa Beach and Pastor Mark. My husband and I have been attending services for four years while in our Cocoa Beach home.  When back in Massachusetts, we continue to attend Sunday services through the livestream ministry. The congregation is so welcoming. I love Pastor Mark's delivery of the sermon - teaching while preaching. I always leave Sunday service more fully educated in my faith and always reflective of his message. This is a well-rounded church, and the people truly live their core values by being inclusive, authentic, and compassionate. This congregation has guided me to a richer, deeper journey of faith.
-Donna Crowell
Recovery from Addiction and Finding a Place to Belong: Kyra Langston
We really appreciate and enjoy listening to Pastor Mark. We are from Glenwood Springs Colorado and regularly attend the Presbyterian Church there. We haven’t had a full-time pastor for a few years, and we were missing the teaching and encouragement from a committed, compassionate pastor. First UMC is so fortunate to have an excellent pastor with an authentic, sincere, and caring attitude. We take away important life lessons from the sermons that we share with others and with each other.
-Melanie and Rick Rossow

Truth be told, I attend church mostly out of habit. I've been going to church most Sundays since I was a kid. Although I was confirmed in the United Methodist Church in 1960, I resigned my membership in the denomination shortly after the 2019 General Conference. Although I am no longer an official member, my wife and I regularly attend services at First UMC Cocoa Beach when residing in Cocoa Beach because we particularly appreciate Pastor Mark’s sermons when he relates Jesus’ moral lessons to justice issues of today. It is our winter church home in part because it challenges and supports our attempts to understand and work for social justice.
-Dr. Duane (“Duey”) Cady
How Working at FUMCCB Helped Me Rediscover My Faith: Mary Abbot
To all the volunteers and people behind the scenes at the food pantry, my family and I would like to thank each one of you. We are so grateful for your help in these hard times. You not only provide us with non-perishable food, but also milk, eggs, and bread, along with toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, laundry detergent, and dog food for fur babies. You are truly God's helping hands. Everyone is so kind—dancing, smiling, and asking how we are doing. We're truly blessed to have you all in our lives. God bless you!
-Grant Boyd
How God Helps My Family Through the FUMCCB Food Pantry: Christal