"Do not conform to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Romans 12:2
Our mission at First United Methodist Church of Cocoa Beach is to make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world. In order to help people grow and mature in their faith, we provide a simple, step-by-step discipleship pathway.
Explorer's Luncheon
The first step on this pathway is to attend the Explorer's Luncheon. During this time, you will get to know Pastor Mark and meet new people. In addition, we will review our mission, values, beliefs, and path to transformation, all of which will help you discern if our church is a good fit for you. We typically offer this luncheon the fourth Sunday of the month at 12:15 p.m.
Starting Point
The second step is to join us for Starting Point. This six-week class will give you tools to grow over the course of a lifetime. We discuss several spiritual practices, including prayer, mediation, Bible study, worship, and generosity. In addition, you will discover your spiritual gifts, discern a meaningful place of service, learn about small groups, and discover creative ways to share your story.

Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
The third step is to join a small group. Small groups at First UMC Cocoa Beach have two purposes. First, to help us grow as disciples of Jesus so we can experience the fullness of life as God intends. Second, to help us make friends and develop authentic relationships with other Christians for mutual support and encouragement. Our hope is that every member of our church will join a group to get connected and go deeper. If for some reason you are not able to join a small group, Pastor Mark also teaches short term Bible studies and classes.
Finding a Place to Serve

The fourth step on our discipleship pathway is to find a meaning place of service in the local church. We believe that God calls and gifts all Christians to serve the mission of Jesus in the world, and that everyone has a valuable contribution to make. Service helps us put our faith into action so we can grow. There are big and small jobs, as well as long-term and short-term commitments. No matter what your schedule looks like, we can help you find a meaningful place of service that fits your current season of life.
Leadership development
The fifth step is to develop your leadership skills and lead in one of our many ministry areas. To help make this possible, Pastor Mark offers one-on-one and group leadership coaching.