Ego, Idolatry, and Powerlessness: Step 1

Jul 7, 2024    Pastor Mark Reynolds

"Breathing Under Water" is a new series (based on a book by Richard Rohr) that explores Christian spirituality and the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. In this first message, we explore the link between addiction and sin, revealing how these dynamics often trap individuals in self-destructive cycles. Paradoxically, it's by acknowledging our powerlessness that we find the strength to seek solutions beyond ourselves. Whether you or a loved one grapple with addiction or some kind of unwanted behavior, join us on this transformative journey toward healing and recovery.

Handout, "Ego in Contemplative Christianity" (attached in church app).

Video, "Nuggets," used with permission from the copyright holder, Studio FILM BILDER:

Book: Richard Rohr, "Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps."